Indalweb Internet S.L. Indalweb Internet S.L.

OTT/TV Integrated management tool for basketball federations and leagues.

Livestreaming of your games

A fully automated, low-cost OTT/TV system integrated with Gesdeportiva allows both federations/leagues (club and national championships, specific competitions, etc.) as well as the clubs directly to livestream their games.

OTT/TV Gesdeportiva
Automated management of livestreaming of your games for viewing both in the Fans App and the website dedicated to livestreaming of each federation or league.
Automated management of livestreaming of your games

The simplest and most affordable way to livestream your federation or league’s games.

Configuring any retransmission in the most popular platforms requires a learning process which in many cases is tedious and slow.

Thanks to our platform, you can automate your livestreaming management without any hassles. Just a few, simple steps and you’ll be streaming your video in real time.