Gesdeportiva - Tecnología para el baloncesto. Gesdeportiva - Tecnología para el baloncesto.

We visited Bolivia

We visited Bolivia
We visited Bolivia
We visited Bolivia
We visited Bolivia

In our third visit of our trip in South América we were in Tarija, the city where Bolivian Basketball Federation actually is.

It was really a plesure to visit the Bolivian Basketball Federation in Tarija and meet its president in person, Juan Luis Coronado, and his entire team at the federation headquarters, at Guadalquivir Coliseum facilities. We had the chance to visit all its facilites and even wach practices of the U17 Female national team in the Colisum, greas basketball facilities.

In the meetings we analyzed our way together until now with Gesdeportiva, their current needs and next steps that we will do together. The meetings were really productive that will contribute to moving forward together.

Tarija turned out to be a tremendously familiar city for us since it has a climate and a landscape similar to Almería (in fact, when we saw its mountains it seemed to us that we were seeing the Sierra de Gádor).

Our sincere thanks to everyone for the welcome and treatment received