Gesdeportiva - Tecnología para el baloncesto. Gesdeportiva - Tecnología para el baloncesto.

Videos in the Hobby App

Videos in the Hobby App
Videos in the Hobby App

You can now follow the games live from your Hobby App. They can also be seen once completed.

Basketball can now be seen live ... and delayed, from anywhere.

If last season we incorporate the online monitoring of the matches for the next 2020-2021 season, the live broadcast will also be available.

They may be the same clubs that manage this new functionality from their private area so that, later, we can all enjoy the content in our Apps.

In the list of matches in the Hobby App you will see a "video" icon to know which matches you have videos available to watch.

As of today, videos of this past season, 2019-2020, can be registered so that you can recall some moments.

Hobby App is an application for fans of the Federations, Associations and Leagues that use GES Deportiva with which they can follow their favorite teams and players. With this application, our fans will be able to:

  • Add teams and players to favorites
  • Follow live the games of your favorite Federation teams in different competitions and categories, accessing statistics, team comparisons, shooting map, ...
  • Results and team rankings
  • Statistical information of the players and the best numbers in each category. This application is included in the GES Deportiva platform for IndalWeb basketball federations.